Software Sources provides a variety of services to a
diverse customer base comprised mainly of large distribution and
manufacturing firms. Many clients utilize our comprehensive
Priority Support Plus Program which
provides an umbrella of services including
Problem Resolution,
System Modifications and Integration,
Training and Education,
Legacy Systems Enrichment,
Downsizing and Cut Over,
Readiness Assessment,
Transition Management
and Process Reengineering.

Following is a brief overview of our services:
Hot Line Support Our Priority Services Plus
Program begins with a visit from one of our senior staff members to
review the installation, gather pertinent information regarding the
client's environment, and electronically connect the site to one or
more of our support locations and resource centers. The gathered
information is then entered into our central support computer, and
each time a client calls with a problem, question, or request for
services, the client profile is updated. We systematically resolve the
issue or provide the requested service, and at the end of each quarter
issue a summary of usage which includes problems and respective
solutions. Standard hours for our Hot Line are from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
(EST). 7x24 coverage is also available under Priority Services Plus
7X24. [Top]

Problem Resolution If a client encounters
bugs or problems within its packaged or in-house code, our technical
staff takes appropriate corrective measures, and, via remote
communications, provides the corrective code fix or procedure
correction. [Top]

System Modifications and Integration We
initiate all modification and integration tasks by conducting a
thorough analysis of the requested project. When the Analysis Phase is
complete, we provide our clients with a fixed estimate for the entire
scope, showing the high/low range of person-days and cost. We will not
exceed the estimate unless the increase is due to a documented,
client-requested change in scope.

Training and Education We offer a full
curricula of financial, distribution and manufacturing industry
education covering the concepts, principles, and understanding of core
competencies and strategies needed by today's businesses. Courses
address audiences from top management to IS and applications
professionals to staff employees in manufacturing, distribution and
finance. Our instructors and consultants have unsurpassed knowledge of
major mainframe systems as well as extensive practical experience and
numerous successful system implementations.

Consulting Our systems and business
operations consulting staff has been working with mainframe users
since the early 1980's. Their expertise includes in-depth ERP
consulting and implementation work covering a wide breadth of
industries and businesses. Our consulting approach encompasses top
management issues, business and production operations management, and
shop floor activities performance improvements. Our approach begins
with conducting business operations and systems effectiveness
assessments and includes systems and process enhancements and
implementations including "Class A" certification if desired.

Legacy Systems Enrichment We recognize that
many legacy systems are basically sound and provide considerable value
to the enterprise. However, to keep up with changing technologies,
these systems need to be upgraded. We accomplish this via converting
their greens screen to GUI’s and their databases to
relational/ODBC-compliant versions (e.g., Oracle, Sybase, Informix,
SQL, DB2, Access, etc.) as well as permitting them to operate natively
on open platforms (e.g., Unix, Linux, NT, etc.) and web-enabling them.
The end product is a system which functionally mimics the original,
yet is natively state-of-the-art. This strategy can dramatically
reduce our client’s IS budget while enabling these systems to
seamlessly integrate into their global systems strategy. Our staff, in
conjunction with its many business partners, offers numerous products
and expertise to help clients recognize and achieve the enormous
potential of their existing legacy systems.

Downsizing and Cut Over Many businesses have
consolidated and/or downsized. These companies have discovered that
achieving the expected cost savings without diminishing services to
the organization and its customers is a daunting task. We have
(literally) written the book on this subject. In addition, we have
extensive experience helping clients to transition to new software,
insuring that all the critical goals be met.

Business Operations and Systems Effectiveness
Assessments & Readiness Assessment We support the premise that
gaining expected benefits from system enhancements and new system
implementations must begin with a plan based on a thorough
understanding of the client's existing business operations and systems
effectiveness. Our consultants bring unsurpassed experience and
objectivity to on-site assessments that are the foundation for
successful new systems projects and improved operations performance.

Transition Management We assign a senior
member of our staff to each project, assuring that each client
receives executive level attention and consulting help. Drawing upon
years of project management experience, our staff helps the client
select and organize its project team, fill technical roles as-needed,
develop the project plans, and provide guidance and coaching to the
team for the duration of the project through its successful
conclusion. [Top]

Process Reengineering Virtually all
businesses today are seeking ways to improve the delivery of its
services and streamline processes. We believe that the critical
mission of this undertaking is to empower the employees. Most high-end
new systems are designed to interrelate procedures and processes and
consolidate organizational information by providing its users with
rapid and ready access to the information they need. In addition,
these goals can often be met by enriching sound legacy systems while
minimizing disruption to the company and potentially saving $millions.

To find out more about any of our services, please
contact us at 1-800-886-0199 or complete our
Request for
Information form on our website.